Friday, February 1, 2008

Cookies!/Hands-on medicine

Shown is CDR David Lemme, a fellow family physician who spends some time with us at the hospital when not doing his mentoring at the Afghan army clinic. The patient was in a roll-over (very common here)and complained of some upper back pain. CDR Lemme is an osteopathy grad and is experienced in musculoskeletal manipulation. He put the patient into a position akin to a full nelson and yanked back; we were all amazed to hear a loud "pop". The Afghan docs were nonplussed and not ready to try this themselves.
Many thanks to sister Paula (and grandnephew Aiden Murphy) for the yummy Cowboy Cookies, that arrived today, 10 days after mailing. Also lots of other goodies and books. Paula endured many separations from her Navy pilot husband Roy and having number 1 son spend a year in the green zone (aka Iraq). Thanks for your cards, goodies and empathy. Who said big sisters are the crabgrass in the lawn of life?

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