Shown is Lt.Col. Dr. Nunziata, an Italian dermatologist on our base who helps mentor the garrison docs. He and his colleague who is a plastic surgeon have provided a number of reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries at the ANA hospital. This helps the patients and instructs the docs. He wanted to lecture as part of our Sunday lecture series, so gave lectures today on leischmaniasis (disfiguring skin infection) and skin cancer. The plastic surgeon will lecture next Sunday on skin grafting. Their help in every way is much appreciated. Grazie! Too bad they "rip out" soon.
Also shown are recruits in formation. We saw none of this when we arrived almost 6 months ago. Now they are out in the cold, in formation and doing "shout-outs" by 8:30 each morning. Not only that, I saw them policing the area for the first time and rumor has it that the slackers have to do KP! Credit goes to the Italians and Spanish who are mentoring the troops. We had a marked increase in their number of mentors 2 months ago and it shows in a more disciplined group of recruits. Now, suppose we had Marines...
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