Thursday, February 14, 2008

ANA Barracks

The dining facility for the Afghan National Army base seems to have served some questionable stewed beef yesterday since 270 soldiers started making frequent trips to the latrine late at night. I hopped on the bus to go with several of the hospital staff to the barracks about a half mile away on the same base. All the soldiers had vital signs (blood pressure and pulse) taken and treatment given. All received a shotgun of 3 antibiotics against bacteria and parasites; antidiarrheal med; antacids; and packets of electrolytes to add to boiled water. 9 of the recruits were given IVs in the barracks. Shown are the barracks, very similar to the layout I lived in at Fort Riley last summer: double rows of double bunks with lockers for personal belongings. Also shown is their heating system. That's one of 3 wood stoves used to heat barracks for 80 soldiers. Also shown is their makeshift pill holders, basically a rolled-up cone of paper. Add the pills and fold over the top. All soldiers were screened and managed within 2 hours. We returned to the hospital to find one of the docs getting an IV; same problem. Nothing contagious, just garden variety food poisoning. It did give me a rare glimpse of the garrison.
Weather: I got up at 4 this morning to a starry sky. I called home and came out of the phone area to rain. I then worked out and came out of the gym to snow. Later, nicely sunny. If you don't like the weather, sometimes you can just wait a few.
Happy Valentine's Day to my honey. Love you and miss you a whole lot.


M said...

Happy Valentines Day! I know the holidays are hard when your away from your loved one!

M said...

sorry, that was actually from me, Mary, I had to change my "sign in" name to Taegen for a classroom blog he has to do and don't know how to change it! So when you see that, its really Mary.

LCDR Bruce said...

Mary, thanks so much. I thought, wow, a grandnephew wishes! Doing fine; I usually call Linda twice a day on DSN since she has a DSN line.